I. Am. Here.

…and I’ve already accomplished two items on the “Things to Do While Home” list:

  • Get ribs from Oh! Brian’s
  • Have a Red Oak (a local microbrew)

The flights out weren’t too bad. My only complaint is that I had a small child behind me on both legs of the trip… and both kids had a penchant for kicking the back of my seat. It was tolerable since it wasn’t a constant thing, but I did shoot one of the mothers a couple of crusty looks. She seemed to get the hint.

A friend of the family picked me up in Raleigh and drove me into Greensboro to meet up with my mother. He used to be a truck driver (and he is familiar with I-80 and I-15), so we talked about the differences in scenery here versus the far side of the Zion Curtain. And a few other things. I got lost in the “green” of the roadside; I have come to miss rolling hills and having trees around. (by “around” I mean “…not just on the mountains.”) *sigh*

We made it to GSO and hooked up with Mom; she had a couple of rehearsals this evening, so I took that time as an opportunity to call a couple friends in the area and make tentative plans to get together. After the rehearsals, we went to Oh! Brian’s to get something to eat. Ribs and Red Oak. Nothin’ wrong with that!

Kris (the sister who’s graduating) and two of her friends were here when we arrived. My ex-roommate, Theo, called and came over, as well. I think that I broke his head with some of the things that I told him about Utah. I’m trying to convince him that he should come visit and suffer experience it firsthand.

All-in-all, it’s been a great day.

Thanks to all of you who sent wishes of safe passage.
