One down, four or five to go. Today wasn’t bad, so I can’t complain. And any day that where work starts with Limelight (Rush) on the radio can’t be bad.

Song of the Day
What’s My Name by DMX, from the CD “And Then There Was X.”

Stray Toasters

  • The Spirit of Radio: Greatest Hits hits the stores tomorrow. The Rush website had a banner at the bottom that read
    1 day until… Rush Day

  • Holy shit. I know that “Adult Swim” is for… wait for it… adults, but I was a bit shocked while watching Yu Yu Hakusho. One of the characters just flipped another one off.
  • had a link to this in one of her posts tonight. So… I followed the rabbit down the rabbit hole.

    • The haxor handle of shadorunr is “B1n@ry P@riah“.

      What’s yours? Enter your name:

    • The haxor handle of Rob is “Blue H@xxor“.

      What’s yours? Enter your name:
  • The new “Berry Burst Cheerios” commercial. Funny… in a Partridge Family kind of way.
  • ‘s newfound… fascination… with the Osmonds is curious, but amusing. In fact, here’s a snippet from tonight’s chat:

    [22:36] ZoolanderW: do they like Donny and Marie in Utah?
    [22:36] ZoolanderW: or is Peter Paul and Mary the latest craze?
    [22:37] ShadoRunr: You saw the closing of the Olympics, didn’t you?
    [22:37] ZoolanderW: no…. not really
    [22:37] ZoolanderW: i just saw the part about Torino Italy…
    [22:37] ShadoRunr: Hint: They were in it.
    [22:37] ZoolanderW: and the kids
    [22:37] ZoolanderW: oh.
    [22:37] ZoolanderW: aye C.

    “Do they like Donny and Marie in Utah,” indeed. He makes me laugh. Sometimes. (This just happened to be one of them.)

And that’s all I have to say about the day. For now.
