Very good day at work. I started by working on getting my ColdFusion form. About 00:30 after I got there, we started moving furniture and fixtures… and changing the offices around. We took about four hours moving, reorienting and all-around shuffling things around. On the plus side of this: I am no longer relegated to the common inter-office/reception-ish area nor the warehouse. I now have an office. I can actually work in a space that is “mine,” so to speak.

It was Game Night after work. Our little “World of Darkness” campaign has taken an interesting turn…

And now, I’m tired.

Song of the Day
I’ll dedicate today’s song to the person with the remote control to the radio in my head. Again. And, I hope that she/he had fun with the selection that I had stuck in my head for a couple of hours this morning: Have a Holly Jolly Christmas, by the late Burl Ives.

Stray Toasters

  • A sorcerer, a mage and a werewolf walk into a bar…
  • forwarded this link to me. I’m not even sure where to begin…

    No, wait: The third paragraph (“I also support a ban on…“). That’s a good one. And the one on tattooing? , that one should be right up your alley. The so-called “Fag Facts” section? No comment. *sigh*

    But, for all of the things on this site with which I disagree, I once again stand by my statement from a few weeks ago where I supported peoples’ right to put whatever they want on their website.

  • I want crab cakes from Philip’s Restaurant at Harborplace.

I’m fairly certain that there was more that I had to say, but at the moment, it eludes me. Rather than sit here and stare at the monitor until my eyelids get heavy, I shall go to bed.
