Saturday – 12 May 2007
Thanks to Usenet, I just finished watching part two of “Sundown,” the season finale of Legion of Super Heroes.


I am duly impressed.

Battered, bruised and adrift in space after suffering a rather handy defeat from the sun-eater, the Legion has to figure out a way to stop it before it reaches its next target: Sol.  Earth’s sun.  The realization comes that they need help.  Who do they turn to?

No.  The Fatal Five, a villain group that has often fought the Legion to a near stand-still.  Apparently, war – like politics – makes strange bedfellows.  Four Legionnaires break into the prison planet Takron-Galtos to free the ‘Five.  Then, the battle planning begins.  The teams are divided into smaller groups… and young Superman, who would be ineffective against a red sun-powered sun-eater, is given the task of finding the Controller who put the sun-eater into play.  Something of a wild goose chase, but a necessary one: You can’t have Superman dying in the future… before he ever began his career as Superman.

The characterizations in this episode were solid.  There were a few Easter eggs thrown in for long-time Legion fans.  (It’s good to be able to read Interlac!)  A few more previously-unseen Legionnaires were seen: Element Lad, Shrinking Violet, Tyroc and Ultra Boy.  And, let’s face it: This was a season-ending episode – you can’t end it with a whimper.  They didn’t.  It definitely went out with a bang.  A loud, reverberating bang.
I was talking with Tyranist a few weeks ago about what he looks for in a comic.  One of the things that he mentioned was that he began reading The Avengers because it was, at its core, a book about people in brightly colored costumes beating up other people in brightly colored costumes.  That’s exactly what this episode was.  Granted, the costumed characters were all fighting a common threat, but it was a great, no holds barred Battle Royale.  The perfect way to end the season.

As if the episode didn’t do everything that it needed to, the epilogues wrapped things up quite nicely… and set the stage for season two.  They also included a couple of items that leave nice inroads to bring in – or bring back – (other) characters.
Long live the Legion!


Today’s been rather lazy.  I fell asleep on the couch last night while watching Ultimate Avengers 2.  I must have been FAR more tired than I thought.  I looked at the clock once and it was 1:13 AM… I looked again and it was 6:04 AM.  I got up off the couch and made my way to the bedroom.  9:30 was a much more civilized time to be awake, although I tried to fight it for a while.
I started to watch “Brain Drain,” this morning’s episode of Legion of Super Heroes, but decided to have a go at fighting crime in Paragon City.  That didn’t last long, but it was a nice distraction.

called and asked if I’d mind going with her to look for a digital camera.  I didn’t, so off we went.  She found one that seems to meet her needs nicely.  I was able to walk into – and out of – two (2) Best Buy locations without buying anything.

I came home, watched “Sundown, Part 2” (above) and I am now torn between finishing Ultimate Avengers 2, going back to Paragon City or taking on PAC or EU forces in Battlefield 2142.  Decisions, decisions…

Stray Toasters

  • I received a message from Kris and Mom letting me know that Kris has been accepted into an advanced Graduate Program to receive her LL. M., starting this fall.
  • , click here and take a look at the figure on the top row, far left side.
  • Wizard Magazine interviews Keith Giffen: 52 on 52 – A (jaundiced) Look Back
  • : Paul Levitz & Keith Giffen talk Legion
  • Paul Dini, the ‘father’ of Batman Rogue Harley Quinn, talks about his newest creation: Madame Mirage (1, 2)
  • Spoon!  (Not a reference to The Tick, in this case.)
  • The 52 Exit Interviews: Grant Morrison
  • Should I have an apple… or ice cream?   Or gummy worms?
  • and
