Monday : 21 August 2006
It’s been a decent day.  Nothing to really write home about.  Work was good.  I started on some testing for work; that went okay.  Nothing major, yet… but I really just scratched the tip of the iceberg so far.

Post-work brought D&D at ‘s house.  We found the group that we were supposed to investigate… and I strode boldly (read: “stupidly”) into their keep.  *shrug*  It seemed like a good idea to get some firsthand information.  Aftter all, my character is a wandering monk.  It seemed simple enough to just ask for a place to bed down for the night without raising too much suspicion.   I went in.  They closed the gate.  And that’s when the fighting started.  Oh, boy… I took down four guys before their friends showed up.  Wow.  They had A LOT of friends.  Nox said that there were about fifty of them.  Fortunately, they weren’t all that tough.  Mostly low-level bandits.  That wasn’t too bad.  What was bad: When the actual soldiers showed up.  And started forming a phalanx.  And decided that the best path was one that went through – or over – me.  *sigh*  We decided that discretion – and living to see another day – was the better part of valor and made plans to exit the keep.

Stray Toasters

Okay… that’s good for tonight.
