Veni.  Vidi.  Scribi.
“I came.  I saw.  I typed.”

More specifically, this is the conversation that started my morning:

[09:14] : So I had a dream last night.
[09:14] : Good morning, Dr. King.
[09:14] : Somehow I had gained super powers (still not sure what they were or how I gained them)
[09:15] : I ended up going to you to decide if I should use them for good or evil.
[09:15] : Wow…. the only thing I’m missing is the wheelchair.
[09:15] : And the A.I.-driven Danger Room.
[09:15] : And the telepathy?
[09:16] : *whistles innocently*
[09:16] : yeah.  strange. you decided they should be used for evil.
[09:16] : Even.  Better.
[09:16] : all in all. very odd dream. i believe the entire thing took place in the AF office.
[09:17] : Oh.
[09:17] : This means: I associate you with evil and American Fork.
[09:17] : That would explain it.
[09:17] : So um..  Sorry. 🙂
[09:17] : Could it be that I am influenced by the evil that is Utah County?
[09:17] : possibly. it does kind of get on you.
[09:17] : tough to wash off.
[09:18] : clearly you need special undergarments.
[09:18] : I have my super-suit.
[09:18] : I am not getting a set of MMPP.
[09:18] : muahahahahah