Thursday – 11 March 2010
Last night, I went home and tried to figure out what I wanted to do with a free evening. A good portion of that time – about two hours – was spent sitting on the couch, watching MythBusters.  After fixing something to eat, I finally decided to hit the neighborhood Barnes & Noble and try to get in some drawing. I took a few ‘Clix with me, as it’s always nice to have some figure references and set about putting graphite to paper…

I started by going through the issue of Lurzer’s Archive that I was using as reference/inspiration last week. I more or less finished a sketch that I started and then tried moving on to another piece. After that, inspiration struck: I started on a new piece based on a song lyric. If I can maintain a nominally steady pace, I should have something to show in the next week or so.

I left the bookstore and headed home. SaraRules got home shortly afterwards. We chatted about our days, watched a bit of TV and called it a night…

…unfortunately, I could not easily find my to The Dreaming. I laid in bed for what seemed like hours before finally drifting off. Maybe that White Chocolate Mocha I drank while drawing had something to do with it.

Oddly enough, I didn’t wake up feeling horribly tired this morning. That’s a good thing for an NBN Thursday.

Stray Toasters
