and DaveW were talking a few minutes ago and the word “colloquialism” came up. Well, it sort of came up – DaveW was having… issues… pronouncing it. After a couple of fumbles, I looked over and said,”Colonic?” After he stopped laughing, he said that wasn’t what he was looking for and actually managed to wrap his tongue around “colloquialism.”

, without missing a beat, asked if I could work “iconoclast” into the word.

It took me a bit, but I managed to do it: Icoloniclasticoquialist (Eye-co-LON-ic-las-tih-COH-kwee-uh-list).

Then came the difficult part: Coming up with a definition for the word.
After pondering it for a few minutes, I figured it out:

“An individual who’s well-known for being full of shit… and incessantly foists¹ it upon others.”

An example would be:

Office Worker 1: Did you go to the team meeting this morning?
Office Worker 2: No, I had a doctor’s appointment. Did I miss anything important?
Office Worker 1: I don’t know about “important,” but you missed Martin being a diarrhetic icoloniclasticoquialist again.
Office Worker 2: Oh, Lord… what did he go off on this time?
Office Worker 1: Well, Virgil was asking for some ideas on how to improve our numbers… and Mr. “Let Me Share My Brilliance With You” spouted off some jargon-filled, market-speak double talk horse shit. He looked so smug, too. I looked around the room to check peoples’ expressions. I was amazed that everyone was able to keep from laughing out loud.
Office Worker 2: Damn… I’m sorry I missed that!

¹ – Thanks to DaveW for coming up with “incessantly foists,” because “…share it with…” just didn’t have the right punch.