Wednesday : 05 April 2006
“Welcome to Utah. If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes.”
That adage was proven to be true today. We went from overcast to clearing to rainy to cloudy to clearing to snow/sleet to overcast today.

Overall, the day was good… but for the first couple of work-hours, I had to fight the rising urge to conduct an intensive inner-eyelid study. And, the coffee that I fixed didn’t to anything to offset that urge. Fortunately, I hit my stride around 11 AM and was pretty much good-to-go from that point on. The rest of the day was relatively smooth and easy.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
This evening, I got an early start on patrolling Paragon City. Almost as soon as I logged in, I was invited to join a team. I accepted the invitation and flew to Independence Port to meet them. It was a good team – nice range of archetypes and power sets. And they knew how to work as a team. It was a beautiful thing. Ice E Hot joined us a short while later. We fought a lot of Freakshow and The Council. The experience was good, too – I am roughly 10,000 points away from Security Level 32.

Stray Toasters
