Monday – 14 May 2007
To borrow a line from The Pretenders, “I’m back on the chain gang…”  So far, it’s been a rather quiet day.  I put that under the heading of “Good things.”  Especially for a Monday.

One of my coworkers read yesterday’s post and asked me a question about IMPACT.  I told him what little I knew about it… and he filled in the gaps.  Unglaublich! I was not expecting to come to work and get a little lesson in all things IMPACT, but I did.  Wow.  Check it out for yourself.

The Scales of Justice
Yesterday, The Hand of Nefer-Tem spent a few hours patrolling the streets – and a few islands – in Paragon City.  I got in with a pretty decent team… but our mortality rate was a little high, as we couldn’t find any empathic Defenders or Controllers.  But we marched on.  And on.  And on.  On series of missions that we did continued another branch of the missing Kheldians story arc that I’ve been playing.  This branch deals with a couple of villain groups who are developing weapons designed specifically for use against Peacebringers and Warshades.  Wonderful.

Somewhere, amidst all of the fighting – and dying – I managed to hit Security Level 26.

And, I came up with a couple of handy-dandy Nefer-Tem icons… but I need to decide which one I want to use:


Stray Toasters

Hey, look!  The Interweb’s back!
