Wednesday : 13 July 05
And so, midweek comes to a close.

The day was a good one. Nothing much to report on the day. In fact, it’s been so non-eventful, I think that “taking a nap” and “washing the car” were the two highlights of the day.

Stray Toasters

  • I must find the video for Gorillaz’ 19-2000. (The one with the Jeep and the moose, not the Cowboy Bebop one… I already have that one. And, while it’s rather amusing, it’s not the one that I was looking for.)
  • : This had your name all over it.
  • Phil, another of my coworkers, introduced me to Terry Tate: Office Linebacker today. I watched the films. I laughed. A LOT.
  • Clouds Yes, I said “Clouds.” Now, click the link.
  • and Rana are back in the States for a while. He messaged me this evening with a story about something Rana said… and Dad’s response to it. I almost fell out of my chair laughing.
  • Christopher Lee was The Man with the Golden Gun
    Jackie Chan had The Tuxedo.
    Hell, Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones were well-dressed Men in Black.
    But this suit beats ’em all.

  • : This one’s for you…
  • I have music videos interspersed with mp3s on my at-work playlist. Today, MC Hammer’s U Can’t Touch This came on. I was curiously mesmerized for a few moments. Then I remembered the Breakdancing Jesus t-shirt that I linked to a few days ago. And that’s when the wheels started turning. That’s when I came up with…

  • Forts! See, my desire to build a ‘Mech isn’t so terribly out there! (Thanks, Greg!)
  • I like the points that this article makes: Comics in an Age of Terror
  • It took me a second to get the last joke, but it made me laugh.

  • Am I the only one to find an amusing irony between the saying “Keep that up and you’ll go blind” and the fact that excessive Viagra® use can lead to blindness? (Results are still out on a link between Viagra® use and hairy palms.)
  • : This preview is for you.
