Another day.
Not a bad one, at that.

Song of the Day
Secret Agent Man by Johnny Rivers. And, “yes,” Bruce Willis did do a version of it on his “The Return of Bruno” CD.

Stray Toaster

  • I was watching G.I. Joe again tonight. What can I say? It’s an obsession… Anyway, I had forgotten how bi-fucking-zarre that show got after Cobra created Serpentor. Megalomania? Sure, I can handle that. HUGE fight scenes where NO ONE dies? Sure, I can even take that. But the whole “Cobra-La” thing? In the words of Quantum Leap‘s Dr. Sam Beckett: “Oh, boy.” (Although, I do have to admit that the character “Nemesis Enforcer” was a bad-ass. Capital “Bad.” Capital “Ass.”) How bad? Look at his profile.
  • I was reminded of another pet peeve this evening: People who do not use (or don’t know HOW to use) their turn signals. I almost had a “chance encounter” with some idiotstick who decided that he wanted to change two lanes, right in front of me, at the last minute.
  • I mentioned that I went to B&N last night and did some drawing. Well, this is what I drew. (Here it is – much larger.) m3l did the eyes and gave me some tips on other things. The source picture can be seen here.
  • I also watched The Simpsons and That 70’s Show for the first time in many moons, tonight. They made me laugh.
  • I even managed to see tonight’s ep of Birds of Prey.

I think that about wraps it up for tonight. I think that I might even hit the rack a little early. Maybe.
