Saturday – 01 December 2007
It would seem as though I avoided a lot of snow (between 8″ and 12″) by not being in the Salt Lake Valley yesterday.  Sure, I had to drive through some snow last night – and there was about an inch in Cedar, which was mostly slush this morning – but that was fine.  I figure that UDoT should have things under control by now, or will by Monday, at least.

Today saw a slight change in the Saturday morning routine: We got up and went to breakfast with SaraRules’ parents… and then came back and watched ‘toons.  Today’s Legion episode, “Message in a Bottle,” featured the city of Kandor.  I missed some of the beginning of the episode, but – assuming that my complex didn’t lose power during Friday/Saturday’s snow – I set the VCR to tape it.  After cartoons and hanging out with the ‘rents, we went to the Braithwaite Fine Arts Gallery to see the Annual High School Fine Art Competition Exhibit.  The exhibit was very nice and I saw four pieces that I really liked.

I bought three of them.

The fourth had already been purchased.  I will be able to pick up the pieces after the exhibit closes in January.  That should give me enough time to decide where I want to hang them.

This evening, a few of us are going to see Vince (Roommate #1’s boyfriend) in a performance of The Pillowman (Wikipedia entry).  After that, who knows?
