Blessed Madonna (the Holy Mother, not the converted Kabbalist music star)… I found the Installation CD for my video card! Hallelujah! It was, of all places, in a box with my music CDs in the bathroom. Well, the proto-bathroom. It is a box – one of three – that I haven’t unpacked. Obviously. I happened to check them on a whim. Lo and behold… it was in the third box.

Coffee was a small affair tonight: , , and me. We sat around and talked about our varying degrees of acrophobia… which made for a much more interesting (and amusing) conversation that it would seem.

NPR and Other News
Morning EditionSerious Pumpkin Smashing
Morning EditionTexas Men Executed Despite Evidence Find
Talk of the NationThe Future of Private Space Travel
Day to DayCollecting and Archiving All 50 State Songs
All Things ConsideredColo. Dispute over Organ Donor Brain Death
Fresh AirSinger and Songwriter Tom Waits

Stray Toasters

  • As if no one could tell, I’m a long-time Legion of Super-Heroes fan. Yeah, I know. BIG surprise there… I was looking over an LSH newsgroup on Usenet and found an came across a post asking if anyone knew of a website that had a list of the Legion Rules. Someone responded with a list of their own; numbers 3 – 6 even include a nod to Jim Croce. and I might be the only ones who get a laugh out of them, but here they are anyway…

    Never eat at a restaurant called “Moms”

    Never play cards with a man called “Doc”

    Don’t you tug on Superboys cape

    Don’t spit into the wind

    Don’t pull the mask off the old Green Lantern

    And you don’t mess around with Gim

    Try not to kill anyone

    Try not to have the same powers as anyone else on the team, or at least
    havea novel use for aan existing one… Unless you’re Kryptonian, in which
    case, come on in!

    Don’t stand around on the plains of Korbal with a super conducting stick in
    your hand unless you’re absolutely sure you mean to.

    REALLY try not to kill anyone

    If you’re wearing less than Mike Grell’s Cosmic Boy costume, pray that you
    aren’t susceptible to colds, or are at least stunningly good looking (This
    applies to both genders)

    Don’t make “One on, one off, one in the wash” jokes to Triad, she’s heard
    them all before…

    Don’t make “Pull my Starfinger” jokes to Garth, he doesn’t think they’re

    Don’t leave giant roach motels near Gates room again, not after the…
    unpleasantness that night he got blitzed on Silverale and went through the
    wrong door.

    Ultra Boy isn’t as thick as he pretends to be, or he might be, and is just
    pretending he isn’t… or he might be REALLY smart and, knowing that you’d
    think he wasn’t, is pretending that he is… Oh frell it, just shoot Glorith
    on sight…

    When someone whose codename is “Reflecto” says “Don’t shoot me”, for the
    love of Nass LISTEN to him…

    The risk of ice powers going out of control is instantly more dangerous than
    say, fire powers going out of control.. or gravity suddenly increasing a

    When Mordru says “Do you like the hat?” just nod.

    When the girl who keeps announcing that “My powers is creating illusions”,
    suddenly seems to be surrounded by giant monsters that weren’t there a
    moment ago, act like you haven’t worked out they’re not real… she’s
    sensitive to these things…

    Don’t step on Shrinking Voilet

    By the way, , you might want to check this out.

  • Gummy Worms 2: Electric Boogaloo
  • If you were a child of 70s Saturday morning cartoons (or even Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law) you might get a kick out of this.
  • Go Toora Loora Toora Loo-Rye-Aye
  • Glacier Freeze Gatorade Frost. (Or, “Smurf Juice,” as I have come to call it.)
  • Rumors speak of a possible new Supergirl movie; hopefully, it won’t be as dreadful as the 1984 Supergirl, starring Helen Slater.
  • I don’t recall what I was doing when I came across this, but it amused me.
  • Stan Lee + Hugh Hefner + MTV = Hef’s Superbunnies
    I’m wondering if this is a “spinoff” of the Hef toon that was on Atom Films…

  • and I are rifling through our mp3 collections and seeing who has the most ridiculous music. I pity the people on IRC watching this…
  • From an ad in Newtype, an anime magazine, for Najica:

    She’s Sexy.
    She’s Deadly.
    She Smells Really Nice.

  • : The Big O 2
