It’s not a good sign that I am just starting to get tired. Hopefully, sleep will come easily and will be restful.

NPR and PRI Stories
Talk of the Nation: Gore and Dean (The source of my Monday afternoon quote.)
Talk of the Nation: Human Organ Trade
All Things Considered: The Supreme Court and ‘Brown vs. Board of Ed.’ (Part 2)
All Things Considered: Commentary – Student’s Weight and Self-Image
Fresh Air: Tony Kushner; Nat King Cole Singles; Taboo Words

I thought that the “Taboo Words” segment was very good. It was an interesting look at the power that we give to words through their use and their non-use. This piece reminded me of the way that Randall Kennedy talked about the use of the word “nigger” in his book Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word.

Stray Toasters

  • I received a call from my friend William. He called to update me on the tumor (“It’s naht a too-muh.”) that his doctor found in one of his bronchial passages. One slight problem: He hadn’t told me about it before. So, he gave me the Cliff’s Notes version of the story and then the doctor’s diagnosis: It was benign.
  • Chili and Bengals and Bears! Oh my! makes me smile.
  • If you have cable or satellite and get TechTV, check your local listings for Wednesday’s episode of Unscrewed with Martin Sargent. My friend Maddox will be a guest for a segment.
  • First Jerry Stiller and Snoop are hawking AOHell… and now they have Peter Graves doing a take-off on his Mission: Impossible Jim Phelps character to help an AOHell Broadband user learn about the ways that AOLBB keeps her stealthily safe.
  • When I exchanged the bedroom and office (Halo Command Center), I made a few changes to the layout of some computer components. The most important of which was: I moved the printer to the top shelf of the desk unit. This seemed to be the best way to keep the cats from sticking their faces in the paper output whenever they heard the printer at work. I obviously did not give the cats enough credit for creativity. I have a monitor (the one that I was using to setup the Linux PC) sitting on the floor… in front of the printer. Jess was printing something and that was all it took to set the cats’ minds in motion. I looked up a few moments later to see Sissy standing on the monitor, leaning against the desk, staring intently at the printer. My first inclination was to tell her to “Get down,” but I stopped at “Ge…” because I had to laugh and commend her on her creativity.
  • From Slashdot: Microsoft Retires Windows 98
  • I really should hit the rack. Soon.
  • The remote for my satellite receiver is borked. It still controls the TV… but not the sprockin’ satellite receiver! I had to pick up a new universal remote. “I swear, if Computo pops up…” Now, I don’t have access to the “Guide” feature, but everything else seems to work.
  • I have homemade chocolate (and white chocolate) chip cookies.
    You may now suffer intense pangs of jealousy.

  • Tomorrow… tonight… SOON… the Halo Command Center will resound with the echoes of sniper rifles, plasma guns, and the wail of Ghosts and Banshees in the air as and I engage in Covenant extermination exercises. Seyla.
