Saturday : 03 December 05
After a leisurely start to the day, I had lunch with . As we were riding to the restaurant, it started to snow (yet again). So, I took a necessary course of action: I called my father to tell him (yet again) that it was snowing. He laughed, which was my intent. We talked briefly; all seems to be well on the northern homefront.

After lunch, it was on to visit ; he was watching ‘s girls. Eva, Nox and I chatted for a while, as the girls bounded about the living room… with enough kinetic energy to power a small Third World country for a month. Kids. Go figure. I left to pick up from work, picked up this week’s four-color shwag and headed home.

Back to Nox’ for poker, coffee… and Guinness. My poker skills are a bit rusty, but I am apparently quite adept at flipping poker chips into my coffee mug. My still-full-of-coffee coffee mug, that is. *sigh*

And then, it was on to breakfast. Decent turnout, but not too much going on with the people-watching. Oh, well. The company was good. , I gave something for you; I hope that you like it.

Stray Toasters

Since the Ravens have another early game, I should probably give more than “a little” consideration to calling it a night.
