Friday : 07 October 05
Today was a good end to the week.

Work was mostly painless. I started packing up things for our office move; there’s a very good chance that the move will happen while I’m gone. I may go in tomorrow to pack/repack a few more things and to label some stuff, just in case. Whether I do or not, I’m already mentally in vacation mode.

An acquaintance thinks that I don’t like them. That’s not entirely true. It’s not that I don’t like the person, it’s that they have done some things to a good friend of mine that I consider “un-friendly” or proven their character to be less worthy than I had originally thought. *shrug* I haven’t lost any sleep over it; I don’t see that changing in the near future, either.

After writing and reading that last paragraph, I just realized that it could apply to more than one person.

Tonight’s Clitorati group topped out at nine people. That was more than enough to ensure that the conversations were random, but amusing and interesting.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
This evening, post-work and pre-coffee, I headed to Paragon City to see what trouble was to be found. Instead, I ran into a former team member; she needed help leveling her character. So, I exemplared with her and we took on some groups of the Tsoo.

Post-coffee, I hooked up with a couple of members in my supergroup and took on (yet) another mission on Striga Island. It started off all right, but there were moments when my brain decided to undertake random inner-eyelid studies. Not good. But, we made it through the mission.

…and I’m now 3,000 points from Security Level 24.

Stray Toasters

  • I had Doll On A Music Box/Truly Scrumptious running through my head tonight from roughly 6:00 PM until 12:30 AM.
  • “Filter!”
  • By way of : The Music Memoirs

That’s it for now.
