Monday : 08 August 05
Today was a good return-to-work day. When I decided to take last Friday off, I didn’t consider the fact that three four other people on my team were gone, as well. It was amusing to hear all of the “Welcome backs” in this morning’s meeting. The work day moved along nicely. It didn’t seem like I accomplished much; but I think that I streamlined a number of things so that I’ll be able to take care of them in a timely fashion.

After work, , and I met at one of the local Olive Garden restaurants for dinner. You can’t go wrong with good food and good company.

The Continuing Adventures of Bolty – Novice Superhero at Large
While I haven’t completely turned him away from the Dark Side (read: “Worlds of Warcraft”), decided to try City of Heroes tonight. And, as of last night: I am able to take on a sidekick. So, we tooled about the Atlas Park area looking for criminals to trounce. After a few head-smackings, I decided to exemplar with his character – I dropped my character down to his level, allowing for better distribution of experience points.

And, as usual, I took a few screenshots (1, 2, 3, 4), including one of a character that someone created called “Kid Planet” (picture). If I need to explain why this was amusing, nevermind. You wouldn’t get it.

Stray Toasters
