Monday : 06 February 2006
Today was a good start to the week. No fires to put out. No monkeys to punch. And it was a productive day.

Tonight was D&D night at ‘. We wrapped up this storyline, I think. We saved an outlying village, we stopped a raid and we killed spiders. And we set things on fire. Lots of things, lots of fire. And no one in the party died. All the way around, those are good things. Tomorrow night: Shadowrun.

Stray Toasters

  • I got a call from Adam this evening. My cell signal dropped and I haven’t been able to catch up with him since then. I’ll try to get him tomorrow.
  • I’m tired.
  • Four words that I don’t think that I would have ever put together: “Hello Kitty Belt Sander”
  • Ugh. I look so stupid. I hate this uniform.

  • Growing up, I had a… fascination… with boomerangs. I’m pretty sure that it stemmed from a cartoon that I used to watch. But that’s not the point. My father would buy me boomerangs and take me to this baseball/football field across the street from where he lived and throw it with me.

    Fast forward a few years…

    I was living in NC and had… you guessed it… a boomerang.

    I had gotten nominally good at throwing it and having it return to roughly where I was. One afternoon, I was in the backyard, playing with my boomerang. I gave it a toss and watched it sail away from me. It spun around and it gained a little altitude while flying. I watched it make an arc as it got farther away. It curved back towards me. This was a good thing. It made me smile.

    Then I noticed something: Some quick mental math told me that its path would bring it “back” to me… somewhere above my head.

    Right where the kitchen window was.


    I watched as the boomerang spun its way back to me.
    And the house.
    And the window.

    I could just picture myself trying to explain to Mom what had happened.
    Not good.


    I watched it sail over my head and towards the house.

    It hit the house.
    About three feet away from the window.

    I don’t think that I had ever been so happy to miss a target. I might not have hit the broad side of a barn, but I was far too close to hitting that stupid window.

  • This strip and this strip, both from Two Lumps, made me laugh.
  • Meet Virginia Valentino Cthulhu
  • As if killing spiders in tonight’s game wasn’t enough, I just killed one in here.
  • Was it just me or were some/most of Sunday’s Super Bowl commercials really… lackluster? Yes, there were some that were funny and memorable, but on the whole, I wasn’t impressed. (And the commercial? Can you say,”Beating a dead horse,” boys and girls?)

  • (The punch line and the commentary.)

Quote of the Day
From Friday’s conversation with a coworker:

[09:29] : Do you know how many man-hours are being lost on your side of the wall right now?!?
[09:29] Eric: are they full men?
[09:30] : That’s a rather personal question.
[09:30] : …and one that I’d rather not investigate.

It’s early and I have to get up later.
