Saturday – 06 December 2008
Last night, SaraRules and I went over to Logan’s to play Left4Dead. Holy crap. Valve has done an excellent job of capturing the feel of putting players in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. It was fun… and rather intense. I also found it amusing that the characters in the game (somewhat) mirrored those of us playing: Two white males, a white female… and a bald black guy. If you like zombies and first-person shooters (and have an XBox 360), this is a game that you’ll want to take a look at.

After zombie killin’, SaraRules and I headed to meet up with the Clitorati gang for coffee… or, in my case, hot chocolate. And then, we headed over to Cheers: North for a bite to eat.

I have a ‘Clix tourney this afternoon: 300 points, no single figure over 50 points.
This should be interesting, to say the least.

Stray Toasters

Up out.