Today was a pretty decent day.

Even when you consider the fact that I was awakened by a phone call at 8:37 AM. Let’s say that I was “mildly” irritated by this. I have a standing rule: No calls before 10:00 AM (in MY local time zone), unless you are a family member or it is an emergency. Period. Pretty much everyone that I know is aware of this rule. Apparently, the person who called had forgotten; a reminder is in order…

Other than that, it was blue skies and chocolate cake. I even went to the gym after work. Yes, that’s two trips in just over 18 hours. Different workouts. And tomorrow morning – assuming that I drag myself out of bed in time – will be a different workout, too.

NPR Stories
Morning Edition: Odds-Defying Golf Amateur
Talk of the Nation: The History of Oxymorons

Stray Toasters

  • I’m a train and railroad fan. I’ve been one for years. It’s a fascination that I just can’t explain. I probably wouldn’t try to; it would take far too long. I’ve thought about getting back into N-scale or HO-scale railroading (passing thoughts, though). I’ve mentioned my Lego train and Rokenbok monorail in here a few times. The idea of garden railroading is a pretty cool idea, too. Tonight, Mary sent me a link to this. *jawdrop* Ponder, ponder…
  • I’m a BattleTech fan. Mech of choice: Phoenix Hawk (Old school Inner Sphere) I even liked the animated BT cartoon from the mid 90s. Like any gaming geek, I’ve thought “Wouldn’t it be nice to have a ‘Mech of my own…” once or twice. Then I saw this. (I first saw it a couple of years ago, but seeing that monorail reminded me of it.) Looking at the steps involved in building it, I can do pretty much everything involved except the welding. And that I can learn. Let the evil machinations begin…
  • “The New Justice Team” on Futurama. I laughed.
  • Thanks to for passing along this bit of amusement.
  • It’s common knowledge that I am not happy with the casting of Keanu Reeves in the title role of the upcoming Constantine movie. “Whoa… I know magic.” Sorry, but it just doesn’t work for me. Alan Moore has said that the character was based on Sting (the musician, not the wrestler)… if he were an occultist. It’s come to light that Moore has divorced himself from the movie project. And rumors have abounded. Neil Gaiman tries to set the record straight in his blog.

That’s all for now.
