Thursday : 13 April 2006
Another No Bad News Thursday has, in the words of David Bowie: “…come, been and gone.” On the whole, it was a good day. I did come close to snapping off a little something on one of the monkeys today. *sigh* After all was said and done, I went to my Team Lead, explained the situation and my thoughts on the matter. He seemed amenable to what I said.

After work, it was off to birthday dinner and Easter egg dying at ‘s grand parents. After dinner, we had cake and ice cream for ‘s birthday. Then… it was egg-dying time. It was fun watching how excited the boys got over dying and decorating the eggs. Then it was home, where I watched the last half of CSI and generally decompressed from the day.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
I started out with a mission in Crey’s Folly. While I completed the mission alone – with Sparky’s help – I died once. But, as I said: I completed the mission. After that, I hooked up with a couple of people with whom I usually team and headed to Peregrine Island and Perez Park to take on Nemesis. We died. Many times. But, one good thing came out of it: Security Level 33.

Stray Toasters

I’m sure that there were eleventy-seven things that I was going to add to this… but I can’t think of them. So, I’ll call this good for tonight.
