Not a typical Monday. At least, it wasn’t typical by the last few Mondays’ standards. In fact, it started off amazingly well. It turns out that a customer with whom we had been having a few problems (delays, lack of contact, and a few other assorted issues) gave us great feedback. That made my day. It even countered the end of the day where we had a meeting that was less-than-great. (Even though said meeting pushed me off the timetable that I had set for the afternoon AND it left me feeling a little edgy… but no where near as tense/irritated as last week).

Mondays happen. Oh well. Take a number, move on. We have a game plan worked out for tomorrow and – barring any unforeseen complications – the day should will go well.

Song of the Day
Anthem by Rush from “Fly By Night

Stray Toasters

  • :::: edited :::
    Thanks to for leaving a link to (something that you won’t get to see because apparently Something Awful doesn’t like off-site linking). It made me laugh. I am almost tempted to do something like that to my stop sign. Almost.

  • What do chess, knights and magic have in common? And, if you said “Archon” you get points for creative thinking… but that’s not the answer that I was looking for. The correct answer was this. Even more impressive: The nine-year-old kid who can do that in his head.
  • Can you say “double standard,” boys and girls? No? Well, take a look at this and I’m sure that it will be much easier to say. Thanks to for pointing that out.
  • And, on the David Bowie front, Is There Life on Mars? If the Russians have their way, not only will there be life on Mars, there will be nuclear power.
  • We’re tiny!
    We’re toony!
    We’re all a little loony!
    And in this cartoony…
    We’re invading your TV!

  • A rolling stone gathers no moss. Apparently, neither do Rolling Stones. But they do gather a large discography. And they even put it online. Who says you can’t teach an old dog Stone new tricks?
  • Stikfas!

Joke of the Day
This has been one of my favorite jokes for years. Why? I don’t know. It just.. is. Anyway, here it is:

A snail goes to a local Nissan dealership and looks at the inventory. A salesman walks up to him and asks “May I help you?”

The snail looks at him and says, “I’m here to buy a car. I’d like to test drive…. that one,” as he points to a brand new Z.

The salesman looks a little surprised. “Oooh-kay.” He walks inside, comes back outside and returns to the snail. He hands him the keys. “Here you go.”

“Thanks!” The snail gets into the car and turns the key. The engine purrs. The snail presses the accelerator and the roars. He drops it into gear and races out of the parking lot.

Ten minutes later, the car whips back into the lot. The snail gets out with a huge grin. “That was great! I’ll take it! But there’s just one thing…”

The salesman shifts a little. “Yes, sir…?”

The snail turns to look at the car and turns back to the salesman: “I want you to take off the “Z”.”

“But, sir… that’s… that’s….”

“That’s my condition. I’ll pay for it right now and drive the car off the lot, but the “Z” has to go. I want you to put an “S” on it, instead.”

The salesman looks a little uneasy. “Let me… see what I can do.” He heads inside of the dealership. He returns a few minutes later. “Okay, it looks like we can take care of that for you. It will take about twenty minutes.”

The snail smiles widely and says,”That’s no problem.”

The two go inside as a mechanic exits the building and drives the car into the auto shop. They fill out the paperwork and shortly afterwards, the snail and his new car are tearing out of the parking lot.

Another salesman comes over to the first one and asks,”So… what was that all about? The deal with taking the car into the shop and whatnot?”

“Oh, he wanted the “Z” removed from the car… and an “S” put on in its place.”

“Huh?! That’s weird.”

“Yeah, but look at that little S-car go!”
