Words. Words. More words.
Random thought.
A few more words.
*song in my head*
Fleeting distraction.

Today was a return to the not-quite-so-cold temperatures that I usually associate with a September in Utah. And it was relatively clear, too. These things add up to a definite “good thing.”

Having Chinese food for dinner is also good.

And gummy worms for dessert. Well, not really dessert. They have been more of “a snack” than “dessert.” *shrug* That reminds me of something that I’ve wondered for a while: What’s the appeal of putting gummy bears/worms on ice cream? If I remember correctly, the candy gets tougher when it gets cold/colder. To me, it seems like it would be an effort (granted, it’s a really minor effort…) to eat ice cream with tough, tacky bits in it. If you are a person who enjoys a good gummy confection in your ice cream, please let me know what I’m missing out on.

NPR and Other News

Stray Toasters

  • Ray Charles would have been 74 years old today.
  • pointed out this lamp to me. Interesting concept. Odd, but interesting.
  • By way of Slashdot: USB Thumb Drives as… Fashion Statement?
  • An astronaut wants no-frills space program. To me, that kind of sounds like putting Southwest or Ted (United Airline’s no-frills subdivision) in space. On the other hand, he is advocating a greater push towards exploration.
  • This made me laugh.
  • posted this in his journal earlier. It made me laugh, too.
  • Marvel is introducing a “2099” group to its “Marvel Knights” line. Some of the premesises sound interesting… but it also seems like a bit of rehash. Except, possibly, for the Mutant title. It looks like they might have a different spin there. *shrug*
  • It was only a matter of time. A company called “Forplay” (how punny) has put out a Hallowe’en costume inspired by the abortive Catwoman movie. If you have your air sickness bags handy, you can see what it looks like (i.e.: “just how bad it is”) here

    On a related note: The latest issue of Computer Gaming World has a review (one star out of five) of the Catwoman game. Some of my favorite comments from the review are:

    • There’s more than one way to skin a cat, and they’re all more fun than this.
    • DC [Comics], as many of you know, is the comic book division of Warner Bros. Studios. One day, [a] writer was introducing himself to one of the suits from the studio’s film division; upon being asked what he did at Warner Bros., replied that he wrote for DC Comics. The suit came back at him with a puzzled “Oh, we still publish comics?” This, sadly, is the type of person who makes the movie decisions at WB. The studio’s films, naturally, lead to tie-in games, and that’s how we get crap like Catwoman, an epic disaster of a game derived from a movie that simply shouldn’t exist in the first place.
    • Catwoman is one of the worst games you are ever likely to play.
    • Verdict: One Star. It gets a star only because it actually runs when you install it.
  • From Comic Book Resources: A few thoughts on character logic in comics

And that’s my 2¢ for today.
