Monday (coda)
All-in-all, not a bad day. Nothing to write home about, but nothing hellish, either. There were some snow flurries as night became morning, but it’s Utah. In the middle of winter. Go figure.

NPR Stories
Morning Edition: Intersections: Jamaica Kincaid and the Literature of Defiance
Talk of the Nation: Geographic Politics
Talk of the Nation: Henry Louis Gates
All Things Considered: States Wary of No Child Left Behind Act

Stray Toasters

  • A friend sent me a link to something that eventually led me to #plus613 this morning. I started looking around the site and found a number of things that amused me (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). WARNING: These images are work safe, but some images on the site are not.
  • Sir Ian McKellen will be on The Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn on Tuesday.

Somewhere in the back of my mind is a voice saying “There was something else that you wanted to post…” However, whatever it was eludes me at the moment. Oh well.
