Tuesday: Coda
After work, I headed to Far West Comics. Chris had them hold my Dawnstar (Long Live my tiny plastic Legion!)… along with a Nightwing and Starfire and a new Blue Beetle. Triple-score.

Then I started looking at some of their other figures. And I walked out of there with:

…and a Spartan with Dual Plasma Rifles. Just because I didn’t have a Master Chief figure. Until now.

Damn, Chris. *shakes fist*

Next, it was off to ‘ place for Scion. had a surprise for me: This. I was greatly amused by it. and John couldn’t make it, so it was just , and me. We had an abbreviated – but good – session. And no one died. No one on our team, that is. And that’s what counts.

Stray Toaster
pointed me in the direction of this video. She said it would make me smile. She was right.
