Friday : 10 February 2006

Work was good. And rather productive, too. Around 3:30, Eric and I decided to take advantage of a good wind and took our kites out for some air. (Yes, we keep kites in our desks.) I was using the kite that gave me. It kept turning to its right, first in tight turns… then just diving for the ground. *sigh* But, I did get a decent amount of air time with it.

I came home and spent a little time in the Rogue Isles, advancing Dhoruba’s nefarious career. Hmm. I should probably make a CoV icon…

Then, it was off to Clitorati. Small group, but good. I went all Confucius on this week’s crossword puzzle. From there, it was on to Cheers: North and then home… where I spent a little time patrolling Paragon City.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day:
From a mid-afternoon chat with

[14:08] : your social calendar is so packed, I can;t keep up with you
[14:08] : need a personal assistant?
[14:08] : *holds up Palm Pilot*
[14:09] : well, when that thing poops out, you just let me know
[14:09] : Now, a cabana boy…. or, even better: a cabana girl …. would be ideal.
[14:09] : k – I draw the line at thongs, though
[14:09] : no pun intended
[14:09] : I was thinking board or bermuda shorts
[14:10] : 2 – how do you feel about the XM2go gadget thinger
[14:10] : Dunno much about history….
[14:11] : Dunno much trigonometry….
[14:11] : Don’t know what a slide rule is for…
[14:11] : Or XM2GO for sure….
[14:11] : But I do know…
[14:11] : Wait.
[14:11] : We aren’t singing Sam Cooke songs, are we?
[14:11] : that was good, if not a weeeeeeee bit mildly retarded

And with that… Good night.
