Thursday : 02 February 2006
Four days down… and I’m deciding whether or not to go in tomorrow. As of the time that I left today, I had 36.5 hours in; believe it or not, I’m actually torn about whether to go in or just take the remaining 3.5 hours as personal leave time. Decisions, decisions… Today’s workout was good. I put Coworker W through my shoulders and triceps workout routine. He held his own. I was proud of him. I was proud of myself, too: I did two reps of 225 pounds. Nearly 1½ times my weight. They weren’t necessarily pretty reps, but I got them done. When I got back to the office, I checked a couple of sites to get a rough idea of my BMI and body fat percentage. My BMI is 25.8, which is considered overweight. (Sorry, but if I weighed what that thing said I “should” weigh, I’d be nearly two-dimensional.) My body fat, depending on the source, is between 13 – 15%.

Post-work, I hung out with , her boys and her brother (in town for the weekend). We watched Ice Age – which I’d never seen all of the way through before – and a rather interesting episode of CSI. ( Your “Ice Age” post now makes much more sense.)

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt and “Sparky,” the Ball Lightning Wonder
I decided to take in a quick patrol around parts of Paragon City. Talos Island seemed fairly quiet, so I headed to Independence Port. Shortly after I arrived, I was asked to join a group in Brickstown. I did. Just outside the train station, a trio of Sky Raiders decided that I would make a suitable target dummy. Some peoples’ children, I tell you… I boarded the train and met up with the team. We took on a group of Freakshow and Nemesis. All of whom were two, three or four levels above us. We all died once. But, we went back and mopped up the floor with those rejects from a science fiction B-movie.

Stray Toasters

This is a good stopping point for the night.
