Wodensday. The day of Woden or Odin, as he’s known in modern languages. Father of Thor. Lord of Asgard.

Decent weather, a good day at work and every-other-Wednesday night coffee made for a good day.

Song of the Day
Tiny Toon Adventures theme.

Stray Toasters

  • More interstate 7 Days-watching with the youngest member of my sibko¹.
  • There was an article on Google News this morning. Rather than try to explain it, I’ll show you what it said:

    Traffic pollution damages men’s sperm
    New Scientist – 3 hours ago
    Traffic pollution damages sperm and may reduce fertility in young and middle-aged men, reveals an Italian study of motorway tollgate attendants.

    All that I want to know is: Who thought up this study? What made them think of it in the first place? Who agreed to fund it? How much drinking/smoking/injecting was involved in getting the approval vote to pass?

  • This was another item on Google News. *sigh* Okay… let’s take it step by step:
    1. I’ll even start by saying that I enjoy(ed) Deee-Lite’s music.
    2. The original Space Channel 5 came out in 2000. Three (3) years ago.
    3. Sega offered a sum for the license. You would think that a multi-national company would be a little more savvy about things like changing the look/identity of their character if the license request was denied. But… Deee-Lite was big in the early 90s; as mentioned earlier, the game came out in 2000. I’ve heard of dragging your feet on a project (see: Lucas, George and the Star Wars saga), but this is ridiculous.
    4. Under what rock was she living for the past three years? Did she just wake up one morning, blink twice and think: “I think I’ll sue the bloody wankers.” *boggle*

    It should prove most interesting to see how this pans out.

  • Waltzing for Venus
  • “It’s time to play the music… It’s time to light the lights… It’s time to _____”
  • Boyd. Rufus. Flipper. “Plausible deniability.”
  • Toblerone white chocolate.

Quote of the Day
During tonight’s coffee chat, we somehow wound up referencing “The Ice Capades.” I don’t remember how, but we did.

Matt: What the Hell is a ‘capade,’ anyway?
Steve: It’s kind of like a ‘crusade,’ but not quite as bloody.


¹Sibko: A sibko consists of a group of children produced from the same male and female geneparents in the warrior caste eugenics program. The members of the sibko are raised together, then begin to undergo constant testing. As various members of the sibko fail at each test, they are transferred to the lower castes. A sibko consists of approximately 20 members, but usually only four or five remain at the time of the final test to become warriors, the Trial of Position. These tests and other adversities may bind the surviving “sibkin” together.
(taken from