Thursday : 14 July 05
I woke up on time (i.e.: “when the alarm went off”), but getting out of bed was the troublesome part. I finally managed to do so, but pre-work prep was slow-going. Rather slow, indeed.

Work wasn’t bad. No fires to put out and my team adhered to the “No Bad News Thursday” rule. At lunch, Eric and I hit the gym. The last to times we’ve gone, he’s done two of my workouts; today I did his routine. I’m used to doing back and triceps or chest and biceps, his workout is a combination of the two. It was a good workout, but definitely something I would have to get used to.

After work, I came home… and faded into an hour-and-a-half long nap. In the middle of CSI reruns on SpikeTV. BAH. I missed the last fifteen minutes of the first episode and pretty much all of the second one. Oh, well.

I spent the better part of the evening – and some of the wee hours of the morning – visiting my friend, Allie, at U of U hospital. She is in for some tests and treatments, but seems to be doing well. Shortly after I arrived, and dropped in for a while. After they left, Allie and I watched Little Shop of Horrors and The Man with Two Brains, neither of which I’ve seen in a very long time.

Now, I’m home. And, thanks to the aforementioned nap, I’m just starting to get tired. This means that Beans & Brews, once again, holds the key to my staying awake at work tomorrow. I’m alright with that concept. Quite alright, indeed.

Stray Toaster
So far, it seems as though Breakdancing Jesus has a commanding lead on MC Hammer in yesterday’s Summer Dance-Off Poll. I’ll keep voting open through the weekend, so that absentee ballots can be tallied, too.
