Another wonderful blue sky day in the neighborhood. Great weather and clear skies. This is a radical departure from last week. I think that the coming week is supposed to be a mixture of good and not-as-good weather, but I’ll take what we have for as long as it lasts.

The rest of the day was good, as well. Yes, there was a little bit of dragging about this morning after too little sleep, but after that… the day moved along quite nicely and we made a good bit of headway on some projects at work. After work, Jess and I took in an off-bowling night dinner at our traditional post-bowling V.I. When the regulars saw us there they seemed more surprised by the fact that we were “early” than by the fact that we were there on a Friday night (rather than a Saturday).

The only relative “low” spot in the day: The power in the apartment complex went out around 11:45 tonight. I was a little disconcerted by it because my computer is connected to a UPS and thus stayed on when everything else went off. It took me a second or two to fully grok what had happened.

Song of the Day
Renegades of Funk by Rage Against the Machines (Although the ‘lyrics’ that a friend misheard “Redneck Kings of Funk” still makes me laugh.)

Stray Toasters

  • It’s the weekend. ‘Nuff said.
  • I think that I might have to get my bike ready for a ride this weekend. I’m not sure how pleasant it will be, though; it’s been at least 6 months since I’ve ridden and I’ve been on Winter hiatus from the gym.
  • Empire Earth. MechCommander. Railroad Tycoon. So many games, so little time. I won’t even mention the Xbox…
  • Pacers game rebroadcast on ESPN. From Indiana.
  • Radio controlled mini tanks. Who knew?!?

I think that I’m going to make it a relatively early night. For a non-school night, that is.
