Today was a good day… and not just because it was Columbus Day/Canadian Thanksgiving, either.

Kate, Max and Perry came over and hung out this afternoon and evening. Kate and Jess… did whatever they did while Perry and I talked games and comics. Then, I introduced him to the electronic joy known as HALO. He liked it.

After a couple of hours of Covenant extermination, we cooked out: Burgers, brats and chicken. I also came to a realization this afternoon: If you must have an “occasion” to cook out, you lead a far too mundane existence. Shortly after we’d finished eating, and came over for poker. We never got around to playing any cards; Jess, Nyx and Kate (and eventually ) hung out upstairs while Nox, Perry and I continued getting our multiplayer geek on.

Then Nyx and I tried a couple of music and video combinations. Among the more amusing combos:

  • RATM’s Renegades of Funk with Outkast’s The Way You Move video
  • Taco’s Putting on the Ritz with Queen’s I’m Going Slightly Mad video
  • Tupac’s Changes also with the Putting on the Ritz video

NPR and Other News
Morning EditionMisdirected Murder Plot
Day to DayFrench Lessons Keep Singer’s Legacy Alive

  • All Things ConsideredMoving Background Music to the Forefront
  • All Things ConsideredGrand Canyon Pay Flap Exposes Agency Trouble

    Stray Toasters
