Sunday – 13 May 2007
Happy Mother’s Day.

I called the maternal units (biological and step) this morning… and got both. That’s right, I was up at 7:00 to make sure that I could catch them. Both are doing well. Then I went back to sleep. Selah.

Last night, before heading to breakfast, I decided to test Usenet’s retention and see if I could find “Man of Tomorrow,” the pilot episode of Legion of Super Heroes. Not only did I find it, but I was able to grab it. Then I watched it. It was a very good episode. They tweaked a few things from the original Superboy meets the Legion story, but it was close enough for jazz as far as I was concerned. And, it did something that the original story didn’t do: Clark knew about his powers and was able to use some of them… but not very well. This played out a few times during the episode. And, this was also the episode in which the Fatal Five was introduced, which made having them in “Sundown” even more fulfulling, as it brought them full circle.

Breakfast was… interesting. IMPACT was there. In full force. With reinforcements. They had to take up at least 80% of the available seats in the place. I think that was a first. They’re an odd group, but they make for interesting people-watching. “Interesting” in a weird and occasionally creepy way. made a QotD-worthy comment that I can’t remember. *sigh* But, I do remember that she won a purple, hat-wearing dog from the claw machine.

I have no idea what I’m doing with the rest of my day. But, I have a cup of hot caffeinated goodness, so I’m sure that things will fall into place. Or something.

Stray Toasters

  • I have an… eclectic… assortment of videos in my YouTube favorites. I’m still a little saddened by the fact that Code Monkey: SGA isn’t there anymore, though.
  • There are a lot of Mom/Mama/Mother songs out there.
  • What happens to people when they get old?
  • Not that I have any idea where I’d put it, but I think that I want an electronic keyboard. Musical, that is.
  • Conversations with are usually amusing. This morning’s was no exception:

[10:05] asdf_cat: you and wil wheaton are really freaking me out lately.
[10:05] shadorunr: Happy Mother’s Day!
[10:05] asdf_cat: heh
[10:05] shadorunr: I mean… ‘Good morning’
[10:05] shadorunr: He’s stalking me.
[10:05] shadorunr: 🙂
[10:06] asdf_cat: i read your legion of superheroes bit and then the next entry down is this one –
[10:09] shadorunr: See! Stalking me!
[10:09] asdf_cat: technically i think his was posted a day before yours. 🙂
[10:09] shadorunr: That’s not the point.
[10:12] asdf_cat: hmm. i’ve never seen you and he together in the same place.
[10:12] asdf_cat: YOU ARE WIL WHEATON!
[10:13] shadorunr: Shit.
[10:14] shadorunr: *calls in the Mnemonic Deletion Unit*
[10:14] shadorunr: I’m sorry.
[10:14] shadorunr: This is for your own good.

  • I’m willing to bet that Scotty still doesn’t know. (mp3)
  • Doghouse (for/because of )
  • I’m still digging Multiplicity.
  • Everybody needs a bosom for a pillow.
    Cornershop said so.
    And, here is a breakdown of what the song means.
  • Tony Stark’s House of Ribs
