Tuesday : 14 March 2006
I woke up this morning feeling a bit rough – apparently, my stomach decided to do tryouts for Cirque de Soliel… and not tell me. I went to work, but the feeling didn’t fade. In fact, it fell precarious enough that I decided to skip the gym today. I felt “okay” for the better part of the day, but on the way home, I started feeling a little worse. Not too bad, just a tired, run-down feeling.

I came home and made my way into a bathtub full of hot water. And the soaking commenced. The nodding-off commenced about 20 – 30 minutes later. But it felt good. At the moment, my stomach feels good, but I still feel a little run-down. I might actually have to *gasp* turn in early tonight. “Early,” for me, that is.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
I joined a couple of teams and went on patrol in Brickstown, Croatoa and Kings Row. Managed to accrue – and get rid of – almost 7,000 points of XP debt… but all of the missions were successfully completed. Including an escort mission into and out of a cave full of Tuatha. Wa. Hoo. And, as of the end of our last mission, I was already three bubbles into Level 30.

Stray Toasters
