In the mid-80s, ABC had a short-lived (one-half season) show called MacGruder and Loud. It was a police drama. More than that, it was a police drama about two officers who were married… in a department that had strict anti-fraternization rules… so they have to keep their secret from their sergeant (and everyone else in the department). I remember watching a few episodes of the show, but damned if I can tell you anything about the episodes.

But, in the way that I recall/retain obscure pop culture trivia, the name of the show has remained in my head.

This afternoon, I decided to look up the Wikipedia entry on the show, to see if it would exorcise that demon. It helped, but there was also a link to the show’s IMDb entry… which I clicked, of course.

The first thing that jumped out was the tagline: “By night lovers, by day cops.”

That made me chuckle.

Then, I decided to scroll over the plot keywords. The first four – the FIRST FOUR – were not “Secret Marriage. Detective Series.” Had they been, I would have been fine. No, instead, they were:

“Secret Door. Secret Love.”

And that made me laugh.

It was a great – and I’m sure unintentional – way to turn an otherwise innocent series into something bawdy and taboo-sounding…

…said the Actress to the Bishop