Thursday : 05 January 06
Another “No Bad News Thursday” comes and goes without incident. I wasn’t sure if last week was a fluke, but apparently working a short week doesn’t affect “NBNT” too adversely. I consider this a good thing. The work day was good. I didn’t go to the gym, though; I tweaked my right shoulder somehow on Wednesday and it didn’t quite feel up to the task of weightlifting.

One not-necessarily-amusing (but later thought to be) thing was: I bathed my desk in coffee this morning. I was reaching for something, tipped over my travel mug and two to two-and-a-half cups of liquid caffeination poured out over my desk. It was everywhere. On the “up” side of things, nothing was ruined nor did anything short out. And, my desk is probably the cleanest one in the office.

After work, I had dinner with . We considered catching a movie, but nothing looked overly appealing. So, it was off to the in-the-process-of-closing Nickelcade. *shakes fist* Instead, we opted to see if we could find something entertaining on TV.

Stray Toasters
