Thursday – 05 February 2009
Today has the bonus of not only being NBN Thursday, but it’s my ‘Friday’ as well. I might just learn to start liking this whole 9/80 schedule thing, after all.

Last night, SaraRules and I headed up to Oh Sushi for sushi, sashimi and nigiri to go… as well as a pass through Dr. Volt’s for this week’s comics haul (of which I read nothing last night). We got home and watched a rerun of NCIS before settling in for Pale Kings and Princes. It wasn’t bad… but it wasn’t great, either. What it was, though, was a short jaunt back to a show that used to (and still do) enjoy: Spenser: for Hire. My biggest complaint with the movie was the actress they got to play Susan Silverman. Simply put, she wasn’t Susan; I guess more to the point – she wasn’t Barbara Stock. Other than that, I was good with the movie.

Stray Toasters

Time for Meeting #2
