Gitchi Gitchi Ya Ya Da Da
Gitchi Gitchi Ya Ya Here
Mocca chocalata Ya Ya
Creole Lady Marmalade
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?

I was listening to an old mix CD on the way to work this morning. I have the All Saints version of Lady Marmalade on it. Granted, this may be the weakest of the three versions of the song of which I am aware:

  1. The original, by Labelle
  2. The version with Christina Aguilera, Pink, Mya and Li’l Kim (as heard on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack)
  3. The All Saints version

…but it’s what I had.And it’s what I nodded my head to as I journeyed with the road monkeys.