Tuesday : 10 October 2006
Today was fairly quiet and low-key. So low-key, in fact, that the day’s highlights include:

  • Recounting the amusing Four Corners “day trip” story for coworkers.
  • Watching Law &Order: SVU
  • Doing laundry

While listening to the radio on the way home, a Bruce Springsteen song came on. I don’t remember what the song was, but I know that it was one that I liked. That caused me – for an as yet unknown reason – to think about John Mellencamp. While I rather freely admit to liking Springsteen, it takes a little more teeth-pulling to admit the same about the former Mr. Cougar… but I do like some/most of his stuff. I can’t really put my finger on why it takes me longer to admit it, though. When you break it down, the two of them sing about similar themes/concepts, just from different perspectives. Many of Springsteen’s songs are about blue collar life – on the job, off the job and of talking about days long gone with friends over pitchers of beer. Mr. Mellencamp, on the other hand, sings about life in small towns, farming and whiling the night away dancing. I don’t know that I’ll put a lot of effort into trying to figure out why I see so big a difference in their music; instead, I’ll just enjoy what they put out.

Tonight’s SVU was good. Very good. It included an amazingly well-acted role by Jerry Lewis, as Detective Munch’s uncle. It was also the first time that I saw Connie Nielsen as Stabler’s new partner, Dani Beck. Hers is an interesting character – she seems to have a passion for the job that rivals the other SVU officers, but she seems to have a lot more anger… and not all of it is latent. I am curious to see what they are going to do in developing her character.

The Adventures of Indigo Bolt
Congrats to for getting her heroine, Valarinne, to Security Level 20.

…and her new costume…

Stray Toasters

  • I finally hooked up a printer this evening. I went with the one that Dad sent me last month… or in August… or whenever it was. It hasn’t been used in over a year, but I did a color test print, to see if I could determine whether it was worth trying to use. Wow. It worked like a charm. I printed a copy of this – to be hung in my cube at work. It’s faster than my old printer and you would never know that it had effectively been mothballed for so long.
  • How to make a Green Lantern ring.
  • posted a meme earlier in which you are to do a Google Image Search for “halloween” and the year in which you were born. I tried it. I didn’t see anything interesting… until I noticed a Sports Illustrated cover from earlier in 1970. That got me curious. So, I looked up the cover for the date nearest my birthday. That got me looking at other magazines that were published on – or the week before – my birthday:
  • – I got a message from this afternoon. She asked me to pass this on to you: Nolan’s Dark Knight Revelations
  • When I grow up
    I’ll be stable
    When I grow up
    I’ll turn the tables…
  • I think that I have come up with a great way for the LDS Church to reach out to younger members and potential members. Lots of people play World of Warcraft. LOTS. Well, one of the companion books to The Book of Mormon is The Word of Wisdom. Since it, too, has the initials “WoW,” my thought was: Bring the two together in a game. I’m not entirely sure if it should be World of Wisdom or The Word of Warcraft. Either way, I’m sure that they’d have a smash hit – not to mention a swell in membership – on their hands.
  • Cramped for space in your garage? Get a PhantomPark car elevator.
  • What Colors Do You Wear to Work? and What Colors Say About Your Personality
  • I posed the question “What would Jesus do for a Klondike Bar?” to a couple of coworkers today. They didn’t have a good answer.
  • Jell-O causes toxic waste scare (Where’s Bill Cosby when you need him…?)
