Thursday : 08 June 2006
For the most part, it was a good NBN Thursday… despite the fact that I did not caffeinate myself today.

When I got home this evening, all I wanted was to lie in a tub, full of hot water, and just… be.  So, I did.  For nearly two hours.  It was sublime.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
After the bath, I decided to hover fly around Paragon City and see what wrongs I could right.  I had a mission waiting for me, so that meant that I had things to do, thugs to beat down, hostages to rescue… you know, the whole “hero thing.”  I ran into EliteGuardian, with whom I had teamed before; he teamed with me – along with Strong Heartbeat and Hell’s Kitty – to take on Rikti in King’s Row and Perez Park.  We had a couple of good fights.  I didn’t die.  And, by the end of things, I was two bars (and some change) into Security Level 36.

Stray Toasters
