And the end of the week was good. Selah.

I mowed the jungle yard today. It’s been at least two weeks since I did that. I still contend that people have offspring not so much to continue the family name as to do the damnable yard work.

NPR and Other News
Morning Edition: ‘Hidden Kitchens’ Calling
Morning Edition: Award-Winning Comb Over
All Things Considered: Unreal Travel Destination: Molvania (Learn more here)
All Things Considered: Famed Photographer Richard Avedon, 81, Dies
Fresh Air: Steve Martin and James Earl Jones interviews

Various Sources: After two months of searching, the body of the late Lori Hacking was found today in the Salt Lake County landfill. Her husband has been in custody since shortly after her disappearance.

Stray Toasters

  • I’ve been looking at various sites’ galleries from Dragon*Con 2004 and Anime Weekend Atlanta 2004. Some of these costumes are incredible. And some are… um… well… “not-so-incredible.” But you have to give credit for the time and effort that (most) people put into them.
  • forwarded the following to me:

  • : Click here. (Hint: Shadowcat bust… with Lockheed)
  • Did anyone ever watch Moonlighting? You know, Tuesday nights on ABC… back in the 80s… Bruce Willis… Cybill Shepard… Yeah. That show. Well, we’ve seen Bruce in some good (and some really crappy) movies since then. Cybill’s been in a few TV shows and movies… and, I think, a show or two on stage. But what happened?!?
  • It’s an aquarium.
    It’s a toilet.
    It’s…. Oh, Hell…. you figure it out.

  • Someone has apparently stuck quarters in the twins. *sigh*

Quote of the Day
While at Borders, I looked at a few new comic books. Among them was a copy of DC Comics’ Outsiders, issue #14. I found a couple of passages amusing:

*following a fight with The Frightful Five*
Thunder: Does being… being a superhero… always involve… this much… puking?
Jade: Depends. When I was with Infinity Inc, I never stopped throwing up.
Arsenal: Classy broads, that what you guys are.


*The Frightful Five meet with their benefactor, Dr. Sivana*
Psimon: Lex Luthor had a facility near Joshua Tree. I know you know this. We should take it.
Dr. Sivana: No.
Psimon: Okay. I was being polite. We are taking it. We spoke at great length amongst ourselves and as much as we appreciate the little things you’ve done–
Dr. Sivana: Like freeing you from incarceration, like the roof over your heads, like breathing life into the dead siblings in the group? The “little things,” Psimon?
Psimon: My dear doctor, I have only allowed this to go on as far as it has because, well, you managed to block my psychic and telepathic abilities–
Dr. Sivana: Just of you use them on me.
Psimon: Yes, just if I use them on you, yes. But now that we’re all gathered up, and have set aside our differences…
Dr. Sivana: You’d like to spread your wings without the old man?
Psimon:Pretty much, yes.
Dr. Sivana: *activates a laser and kills Gizmo*
Frightful Five: *stunned silence*
Dr. Sivana: Look, it’s “The Fearsome Four.” Want to go for “The Threatening Three?” Did you think it would be that easy? You think I didn’t see this coming? THIS is why you constantly fail. This is why you keep getting caught. Jailed. Stripped of your powers. This is why you keep killing each other.
Shimmer: Because, what? We’re evil…?
Dr. Sivana: No. Because you’re schmucks. You see a good thing and you can’t just stick with it. Even for a little while. Schmucks.

And with that… it’s time to call it a night.
