I’m finding that Monday mornings are not my favorite.
Not because it’s the beginning of the work week.
Not because “It’s Monday…”

Because I can’t seem to get out of bed and into the gym on Monday mornings.

Simple, but true. I even got a decent amount of sleep last night. But that doesn’t seem to matter. This morning rolled around, the alarm went off, and I wasn’t having any part of it. Oh, well. Tomorrow morning should be better.

Stray Toaster Leftovers

  • The Pro Bowl was good. The AFC lost, but it was fun to watch. And it was great to see the players interact after the game. On the other side of the coin: No more football until August.
  • Last night’s gaming wasn’t too doom-laden. No one died. We were able to get through most of the game without a fight.
  • Julius Schwartz – often known as “Julie” – died yesterday. He had been an editor for DC Comics and, following his retirement, became their “Goodwill Ambassador,” similar to Marvel Comics’ Stan Lee (but without the love/hate relationship). He knew how to work both sides of the equation and come up with a result that left both sides happy. He was more than just an editor of comic books – he was loved and respected by writers, artists and fans alike. He was a fan, at heart. As Mark Evanier wrote:

    He loved conventions. The last few years, nothing depressed him more than the fear that some physical ailment would keep him from the annual San Diego gathering. (Quick Story: Last year, Julie was reticent to come out because he was having trouble walking and didn’t want to be rolled about in a wheelchair. I asked him why not and he said, “Because old men are in wheelchairs.” I told him, “Julie, you’re 88 years old. You are an old man.” He still balked so I said, “Tell you what. Come out, sit in the wheelchair and I’ll arrange for a woman with large breasts to push you around in it.” He said, “In that case, okay.”)

    The comics world has lost a friend… but I’m willing to bet that Heaven’s storytelling table just got a lot more interesting. (Remembrances: 1, 2, 3)

  • Tonight: Fiona, Gabe and me. May God have mercy on ‘s downstairs neighbor.
  • Anything else that I had to add to this can wait until tonight.
