Wednesday : 27 July 05
Today was a good mid-week. Work proceeded apace. I had lunch with . And I was able to just relax and hang out this evening. I even took a drive around part of the city. It was nice.

Stray Toasters

  • I left my gummy worms at work.
  • I’m not sure why, but something… compelled me (that’s the best way I can describe it) to find this post and read it.
  • I heard about this story on the radio this morning. That just ain’t right…
  • A trip to the office washroom, this afternoon, reminded me of one of my all-time favorite Saturday Night Live skits: I walked in and saw a row of outward-pointed shoes and rumpled trouser legs below the walls of the stalls… and the first thing that I thought of was the “Under the Boardwalk” skit from the mid-80s. It had the same visual – shoes and pulled-down pants – and then someone started singing the bass line from The Drifters’ Under the Boardwalk. Someone else started in on the first verse. Two or three others joined in on the chorus. And the whole time, their feet were tapping. They continued till the end of the song, then there was flushing and zipping…. and everyone walked out of their stalls like nothing had happened.

    It took a lot of restraint not to laugh out loud when I thought of that skit.

  • By way of Logos desafortunatdos
  • By a show of hands, how many of you remember Voltron: Defender of the Universe? *looks around* Well… guess who’s coming to the big screen?
  • Fourteen ways to die in Shanghai
  • ARRRRR! (Thanks to for pointing this out.)
  • This ice cream tastes like shit!
  • For : There’s a new Shadowcat in town…
  • As is a fan of Dr. Henry J. McCoy, I present this.
  • Four words: “Galaxy Rangers action figures

Quote of the Day
Last night, after the game broke up, I jokingly asked to bring me a blended mocha when he came to work. On the way to work, I picked up a 24 ounce cup of double-shot-laden frozen mocha goodness. It was good. Damned good, too! I got to work, I drank most of it. A little while later, walks in… mocha in hand. He placed it on my desk and walked away.

Me: “You’re a saint.”
Eric: “What miracle did he perform?”
Me: He turned water into caffeinated mocha goodness!
: And it’s blended, too!
