Saturday : 12 November 05
I slept in this morning for no other reason than the fact that I could. Okay, there was the fact that I only slept for about an hour to an hour-and-a-half the night before… but that’s not the point. The point is: I slept in this morning. *nod* I made my way downstairs to the den and stretched out on the couch and proceeded to watch both the television and my inner eyelids for the next hour or so. The rest of the early day was similarly lazy. I watched, for the first time in many, many rains: Race For Your Life, Charlie Brown. I kept having flashes of “They’re going to see/find/do _____ next and then _____ will happen…” while watching it. It was completely unexpected to find this on the television, but fun to watch.

, , Chris and I had dinner at Macaroni Grill tonight. Chicken Marsala with a glass of Woodbridge Chardonnay. Good food and good company.

I helped install her motherboard in a new case. It took a bit longer than it should have (thanks to issues with the case), but the transplant was successful.

Breakfast at Cheers. The people-watching was only “decent.” We saw someone that I used to work with at the USPS there – he was with The Singles. (, you’ll have to ask or about it.)

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
I decided to go on Patrol around Talos Island this afternoon. I took on some Freakshow and Warriors members, they weren’t too much trouble. As I was getting ready to find some other citizens in need of a swift electrical kick in the pants, I was asked to join a team for a rescue mission. I accepted. And I was on my way to Striga Island.

I arrived in Striga and headed to the mission site. We had to rescue scientists from Vampyri. There were five of us on the team and there were a LOT of vampires. And me without my cross, holy water and garlic. We battled through the complex, leaving the… um… dead undead in our wake. We rescued the scientists without too much problem. And I worked my way out of experience debt.

Now, only 14000 points stand between me and Security Level 27.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
I received a text message from Adam yesterday that made me laugh out loud… which caused me to receive a few quizzical looks from my coworkers. But it was worth it.

I just took an online survey, and it said the action hero I’m most like is James Bond. Who knew a survey could see the real me?

And with that…
