Saturday : 02 September 2006
Mom and Cynthia left today.  It was a short – but good – visit.  Cynthia had an early flight, but Mom was around until late afternoon.  We had lunch with , the boys and her grandparents.

This evening, I watched the new Fantastic Four cartoon on Cartoon Network.  I’m not overly thrilled with the animation style, but I’m not going to write it off yet.

Tonight, and I were watching… something… when an ad for Comcast’s “On Demand” service came on; the ad was for their “Dating on Demand” listings.  This piqued our curiosity.  And such curiosity could not go unappeased.  So, we checked out a few of them.  There were two sections:  “” and “Hurry Dating.”  If you’re in the Salt Lake Valley and have Comcast Cable, you need to watch either – or both – of these.  They are pure comedy.  (Is it a bad thing that some of them reminded me of an old Saturday Night Live sketch featuring Gary Kroeger doing a dating video… which he did in the form of a music video?)