Saturday : 04 March 2006
I slept in this morning and when I awakened, Presto was sitting at the side of the bed. Staring at me. I wasn’t quite ready to get out of bed, so I motioned for her to jump onto the bed… which she did. With the quickness. She sat there and kept me company for a few minutes.

After collecting some four-color shwag and getting a bite to eat at Jitterbug, it was off to Ogden with . The first stop was to help her look for a car. Fairly painless task. She found one that spoke to her fairly quickly.

From there, it was on to Union Station to see the HMRRC Train Festival 2006. It was basically the same show as the one at Thanksgiving Point, but a lot more spread out. I picked up a HO-scale state boxcar for North Carolina. got me a couple of N-scale C&O Railroad cars. They had relegated the LEGO train system to an upstairs room. It was laid out a little differently than before, but it was still very cool. I took a few pictures of the set; I’ll post them soon. On the whole, I liked Union Station and want to go back (minus the crowd) and explore its museum and “rail yard” when I am not constrained by time limits.

Next: Mecca. I mean “The Bookshelf.” I found a few pieces of plastic crack to appease me, but not nearly as many as I was expecting to find. Oh, well… not the end of the world. Everything went pretty smoothly until I was ready to check out. The clerk almost double-charged me for a few ‘Clix. Those I caught and she voided and re-entered them. She did wind up double-charging me for a book; that one I didn’t catch until after she had run my card. *braincramp* Rather than have her void and re-ring everything, I just took the difference in a store credit.

Back to SLC to get ready for a couple of get-togethers. We hit the parties and had a good time at both. I saw a couple of people at each party whom I hadn’t seen in a while. (Note: might have a future as a bellydancer. That’s all I’m sayin’ about that…) We noted how different the two were, but that both were fun. Thanks to the hosts of both for their hospitality.

Quote of the Day
While at Jitterbug, we met June and Roger, a couple of regulars there. At one point June started talking about the degree that Roger had and that she had wanted to pursue a certain field, but that the mathematics that were required were a bit over her head:

“They started talking about ‘imaginary numbers.’ I’m a woman; imaginary numbers, to me, are: 36-24-36.”
