Friday : 16 September 05
As a DJ back home would say: “It’s the weekennnnnnnnnd, baby!”

Work was good today. It was productive and I had a good conversation with a couple of my coworkers about faith – more specifically: How some people have it and how some others… don’t. The first part of the conversation lasted a little over an hour. The reprise was about ten or fifteen minutes. The coda was, probably, another thirty or forty minutes. Over the course of the talk, I think that we managed to expand one coworker’s view of things… or at least give him something new to chew on.

Tonight’s Clitorati was good. Someone asked me how my day was and, in recounting the work conversation, we wound up talking about faith and religion. I enjoy it when people can talk about a topic, bring different viewpoints to the table… and discuss them like rational adults.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
When NCSoft released “Issue 5,” the latest patch/update to City of Heroes, they gave all players a free opportunity to re-apportion their powers. I decided to try some changes/ideas on the test server. I got rid of a few powers and picked up some others. Then, I went out for a field test. The “balance” was a little different, but not unpleasant. I think that I could make these changes on the live server and be happy with the results.

Stray Toasters

  • I’ve been sporadically working on a drawing of for the past two months. (If I’d stuck to it with a bit more dedication, I could have been done inside of a few hours.)

    Here are the reference picture and the drawing:

    I’m happy with the way that it turned out.

  • From the “Whoops! I should have proofread that” file: Last week, Land and Catherine came over to visit. Land brought with him a flyer from the SLC Remote Encoding Center, where he, and I worked. He quit a couple of weeks before I quit. When he quit, there was little to no chance of him ever going back there for employment. So, imagine his surprise when this appeared in his mailbox.

    If you look at the greyed-out box at the top of the page, the address is wrong. WRONG! It is “reversed.” It should be 1275 South 4800 West. Did I mention that this is for the Remote Encoding Center? A division of the United States Postal Service. You know… the people who are supposed to know how to properly address mail. No, I don’t miss working for this particular group of mis-managers.

  • From : EFIT – Facial Composite Software (for law enforcement only)
  • It’s the Slurpee® at 40
