After too late a bedtime and too little sleep, I roused myself to face the day around 9:30 this morning.

I met for lunch and then we went to a friend’s house to play Halo on linked XBoxes. This lasted nearly five hours. However, as is often the case with things that you enjoy, it seemed like only a couple of hours. After that, and I came back here and played yet more Halo. (NOTE: Today was his first time playing the game.)

Dinner was prepared and eaten and then it was off to the bowling alley. joined us. We then had traditional post-bowling V.I. breakfast.

And now, it is nearly bedtime.

Stray Toaster
Yesterday, showed me a link to the Utah Baby Namer page. In the words of some of the Utahns that I know: “Oh my heck!” Brace yourselves… there are a lot of them. And, reading the list of names into makes for an interesting read.

But I am now rapidly approaching the “Sleep Needed NOW” phase, so I shall call it a night.
