I slept in until 11:30 this morning. I apparently needed the rest. It was nice. I’ll probably sleep in tomorrow, too.

After buying screws to replace the ones that were on the entertainment shelf cross braces, I put together a unit for the A/V stuff in the HCC. Now, if I could just find the damned power supply for my computer speakers… I also managed to get the Linux/mp3 computer back on the network. Next will be adding the G3.

came over this afternoon; she brought a dozen beignets. Tasty. After getting her laptop connected to the network, I worked with her on setting up a couple of auctions on eBay. She, and I went to dinner at TGIFridays. We had planned on eating and then watching fireworks. Yes, “Fourth of July” fireworks… on the Third. Go figure. We missed them.

We were heading to Cheers when we noted a fireworks display in the distance, so we stopped and watched them. We couldn’t hear the explosions, but the visuals were good. We didn’t eat “breakfast” as much as we snacked at Cheers tonight. But we had a good bit of fun.

Tomorrow (or I guess that would be “today”): Spider-Man 2.

But for now: Sleep.
