After staying up later than I should have last night, morning came too soon. I got up and got prepped for work in fairly short order. We were supposed to go to a presentation this morning, but wound up not going. *shrug* That allowed me to get a few things done at the office.

After work, I got to deal with the clusterfuck that is rush hour driving in the southwestern part of the Greater Salt Lake City Metropolitan Area. I figured that I would avoid the bottlenecks that are the result of the three construction zones between I-215 and home by looping around and coming home from the south. Good theory, but the execution can stand a little refining. I’ll have to investigate alternate routes.

Jess and I headed to The Gateway (hereafter referred to as “Larryland: North”) to see an advanced screening of the Ed Harris / Cuba Gooding, Jr. movie Radio. We got there to discover that they had overbooked the theatre. *shakes fist* So, we decided to get something to eat. On the way to get dinner, we stopped to say “hi” to , whom we hadn’t seen in far too long.

We ate at V.I. Jon and John were there; they hung out with us while we ate. I made my own milkshake tonight. Yes, I made it; Kris taught me where to find the ingredients and how to make them last weekend. I usually have a Cookies and Cream shake; tonight I added chopped nuts to the mix. It was a little thicker than I like (though not quite as thick as a Blizzard from Dairy Queen), but I figured that it was only the second time that I’d done it, so that was okay.

We came home and relaxed for the rest of the evening.

And now, I am off to seek the gates of The Dreaming.
